HL Deb 28 June 1892 vol 5 cc1933-5

(in pursuance of Her Majesty's Commands) delivered HER MAJESTY'S MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH to both Houses of Parliament, as followeth:—

My Lords and Gentlemen,

The time has arrived at which it is expedient that the electoral body of this country should be consulted by the assemblage of a new Parliament. I have therefore summoned you for the Prorogation of Parliament at an earlier period than usual.

I am glad to record that the friendly relations I have maintained with foreign Powers remain unaltered.

The Treaties have been duly ratified which refer our differences with the United States in respect to Behring's Sea to arbitration.

The ratification also of the Final Act of the Brussels Conference for the suppression of the Slave Trade has, after many delays, been completed. The Government of France, however, has made reservations in regard to some of the provisions which affect operations against the maritime Slave Trade.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

I recognise with satisfaction that, before separating, you have made full provision for the requirements of the public service.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I have gladly given my assent to several Bills which you have been able to consider and to sanction, notwithstanding that the duration of the Session has been exceptionally short. The arrangements you have made for enabling labouring men to become purchasers of small agricultural holdings will increase the cla of cultivating owners, which is of great importance to the State. The application to Ireland of those educational measures which have been recently adopted in Great Britain will confer great benefits upon the poorer classes of that country. You have sanctioned valuable provisions for reforming the Police Administration in Scottish Burghs, and for extending to Scotland the facilities for the hire of allotments which were given to the people of England and Wales a few years ago. At the same time, you have done much to lighten the burden of local taxation in that country, and to foster the in- terests of secondary and of University education. The Act for strengthening the discipline of the Church of England in regard to moral offences accomplishes a necessary reform which has been too long delayed.

I have willingly accepted a measure for improving the constitution and proceedings of the Legislative Councils in India which will, I trust, enable my Government in that country more fully to ascertain the opinions and wishes of various races and classes of my subjects, and to secure the co-operation of those best qualified to give advice and assistance in the conduct of affairs.

I have assented gladly to the measures which you have wisely and generously adopted for the relief of my subjects in the Island of Mauritius under the unexampled calamity which has overtaken them.

In closing this Parliament, which has been unusually laborious, and has also been highly fruitful in beneficent legislation, I thank you for the assiduous performance of your momentous duties during the last six years, and I heartily commend you to the favour of Almighty God.

Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.

After which,



My Lords and Gentlemen,

By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name and in obedience to Her Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Friday the fifteenth day of July next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Friday the fifteenth day of July next.