HL Deb 21 June 1892 vol 5 cc1649-53



My Lords, I beg to move the Resolution which stands in my name; the object being to enable Private Bills that are interrupted during the present Session to re-appear in the next Session of Parliament without going through the formal stages. Moved, "That such Bills shall be deposited in the Private Bill Office not later than Three o'clock on or before the third day on which the House shall sit after the next meeting of Parliament, with a declaration annexed thereto, signed in the case of a Private Bill by the agent, and in the case of a Provisional Order Confirmation Bill by an officer of the Department by which the Orders to be confirmed by such Bill are made, stating that the Bill is the same in every respect as the Bill at the last stage of the proceedings thereon in this House in the present Session, and where any sum of money has been deposited, as required by Standing Order No. 57, that such deposit has not been withdrawn, together with a certificate of that fact from the proper officer of the court in which such money was deposited; That the proceedings on such Bills shall be pro forma only in regard to every stage through which the same shall have passed in the present Session; and that no new fees be charged in regard to such stages; That as regards all Private and Provisional Order Confirmation Bills which shall have been brought from the House of Commons in the present Session, such Bills shall be allowed to proceed to the same stage at which they shall have arrived in the present Session, on the same conditions as those set forth in the preceding Orders in respect to Bills originating in this House; the declaration to be signed as aforesaid, stating that the Bill is in every respect the same as when brought to this House in this Session; That if any such Bill shall have been amended in this House in the present Session the same Amendments shall be inserted by the Committee on the Bill; That the Standing Orders by which the proceedings on Bills are regulated shall not apply to any Private or Provisional Order Confirmation Bill which shall have been introduced into Parliament in the present Session, in regard to any of the stages through which the same shall have passed; That all petitions presented in this Session relating to any Private Bill shall, if necessary, be referred to the Committee on the Bill in the next Session; That no petitioners shall be heard before the Committee on any Bill unless their petition shall have been presented within the time limited in the present Session, unless that time shall not have expired before it closes, in which case, in order to be heard, their petition shall be presented not later than the fourth day on which the House shall sit in the next Session; That the promoters of every Private or Provisional Order Confirmation Bill which shall have been introduced into this House in the present Session of Parliament, and which shall have passed this House and been sent to the House of Commons, or which shall be pending in this House, shall have leave to introduce the same in the next Session of Parliament, provided that notice of their intention to do so be lodged in the Private Bill Office not later than Three o'clock on the day prior to the close of the present Session, and that all fees due thereon, up to that period, be paid; That an alphabetical list of all such Bills, with a statement of the stages at which they shall have arrived, shall be prepared in the Private Bill Office, and printed."—(The Earl of Morley.)

Motion agreed to.


My Lords I beg to move certain Amendments to the Standing Orders of which I have given notice. I do not suppose the House will expect me to go through them all; but, if any noble Lord requires any explanation, I shall be happy to give it—

NOTE.—The words quoted are to be omitted, and the words printed in Italics are to be inserted.

Moved, That the Standing Order be amended as follows:— (Notices to specify limits in case of gasworks, sewage works, burial ground, destructor, or hospital.) 5. In cases of Bills for constructing gasworks or sewage works, or works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual products, or for making or constructing a sewage farm, cemetery, burial ground, destructor, 'or' hospital for infectious disease, or railway or tramroad to be worked by electricity supplied from a generating station, the notices shall set forth and specify the limits within which such gasworks, sewage works, works for the manufacture or conversion of residual products, farm, cemetery, burial ground, destructor 'or' hospital, or generating station, is intended to be made or constructed.

9. Publication of notices in Gazettes and newspapers— (3.) In the case of a Bill authorising the construction of works or the taking of lands, or extending the time granted by a former Act for the construction of works or the taking of lands, in more than one county, or relating to an undertaking situate in more than one county, or promoted by a company or companies or other parties possessed of an undertaking situate in more than one county, the noticeshall be published once in each of two successive weeks, with an interval between such publications of not less than six clear days, in some one and the same newspaper of the county in which the principal office of the company or companies or other parties who are the promoters of the Bill is situate, or in case there is no such office then in a newspaper published in each county in which any such works, lands, or undertaking are situate, and in some one and the same newspaper published in each county in which any new works are proposed to be constructed, or in which any lands are intended to be taken, or in which any works or lands are situate, in respect of which any new or further powers for the completion or taking thereof are intended to be applied for, or if there be no newspaper published therein, then in some one and the same newspaper published in some county adjoining or near thereto: Provided always, that if the Bill relates to lands or works situate in more than one county, it shall be sufficient (at the option of the promoters) to publish in each of such counties so much only of the notice as relates specifically to the lands or works situate in that county together with the short title of the notice, and an intimation that the notice has been published in full, or sent for publication in full, in the Gazette.

New Standing Order—

(Deposit of Bills at Board of Agriculture.)

"33b. On or before the 21st day of December a printed copy of every local Bill which relates to the drainage of land in England or Wales, or which relates to the improvement of land in England, Wales, or Scotland, or to the erection, improvement, repair, maintenance, or regulation of any market or market place at which cattle are exposed for sale or to any matter within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Board of Agriculture, or which proposes to alter the boundary of any county, sanitary district, parish, or any other administrative area in the United Kingdom, shall be deposited at the office of the Board of Agriculture."

New Standing Order—

(Lateral deviation of embankment or retaining wall of reservoir.)

"40a. In cases where it is proposed to make, vary, extend, or enlarge any reservoir, the plan shall describe the embankment or retaining wall thereof, and where it is the intention of the promoters to apply for powers to make any lateral deviation from the line of such embankment or retaining wall, the limits of deviation shall be defined on the plan, and all lands included within such limits shall be marked thereon."

67. Paragraph 2, line 1, after ("introduced"), insert ("or proposed to be introduced.")

(Petitions for additional provision.)

All Petitions for additional provision in local Bills originating in this House shall, on the presentation thereof, be referred to the Examiners, who shall examine the same, and report thereon in respect of all Orders which would be applicable in the case of a Bill."

91. Time for Second Reading of Bills, line 1, leave out ("or Provisional Order Confirmation Bill.")

(Terms of proposed amalgamation, &c. to be specified in Bill.)

124. When by any Bill powers are applied for to amalgamate with any other company, or to sell or lease the undertaking, or any part thereof, or to purchase or take on lease the undertaking of any other company, public body, or private undertakers, or any part thereof, or to enter into a working agreement, otherwise than under the provisions of Part III. (working agreements) of the Railway Clauses Act, 1863, as amended by the Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1873 and 1888, the company, public body, person or persons, with, to, from, or by whom, and the terms and conditions on which it is proposed that such amalgamation, sale, purchase, lease, or working agreement shall be made, shall be specified in the Bill as introduced into Parliament.

137. Sub-section (2), leave out ("United Kingdom and the Isle of Man") and insert ("British Islands")

(Clause for defining limits of gasworks, sewage works, cemetery, burial ground, destructor, or hospital.)

139. In every Bill for making or constructing gasworks or sewage works, or works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual products, or for making or constructing, altering or enlarging any sewage farm, cemetery, burial ground, destructor, hospital for infectious disease, or railway or tramroad to be worked by electricity supplied from a generating station, there shall be inserted a clause-defining the limits within which such gasworks, sewage works, farm, cemetery, burial ground, destructor, hospital, or generating station, may be made or constructed.

Appendix A.—Application to owners, &c. before 15th December, referred to in Standing Order No. 11, after the third paragraph as a separate paragraph:— "We also beg to inform you that it is intended that the Act shall provide that where the tunnel [or other work] as shown on the deposited sections is to be constructed at a depth of (40) feet or upwards between the crown of the tunnel and the surface of the ground, the undertakers may acquire an easement or right of constructing and using the tunnel [or work] without being obliged to purchase the surface."—(The Karl of Morley.)