§ Return snowing, to 31st March, 1891, the amount of advances made for the purchase of holdings under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885 and 1888, classified as below; the number of purchasers in each class; the average amount advanced to each purchaser; and the proportion or percentage of the amount of advances and the number of purchasers in each class to the aggregate totals:
Classified according to Valuation. | Amount of Advances. | Percentage to Total Amount. | Number of Purchasers. | Percentage to Total Number. | Average Amount advanced to each Purchaser. |
£ | £ | ||||
Not exceeding £30 | |||||
Exceeding £30, but not exceeding £50 | |||||
Exceeding £50, but not exceeding £100 | |||||
Exceeding £100, but not exceeding £150 | |||||
Exceeding £150 | |||||
TOTALS | |||||
Ordered to be laid before the House (The Lord Tyrone [M. Waterford]). |
§ my naval colleagues the desirability of recognising the efforts of these Volunteers and of utilising their services in some practical way, but I was always met with the objection that the Volunteers were not seamen, and yet were unwilling to serve as marines. The objection would, I consider, be removed by the change of designation which has been proposed by Sir George Tryon, and which I earnestly hope the Naval Volunteers will loyally accept. As to the future strength of the force, I hope it may be raised to 5,000 men by accepting the services of men who have long offered them to the Admiralty from the Forth and from the Humber. If brigades are raised in those two places we shall then have our inner circle of naval defence complete. In conclusion, I cannot avoid saying, as an old naval volunteer, that it is encouraging to note the appreciation lately shown of the patriotic spirit displayed by the Naval Volunteers. The Volunteer movement for our land defence could not have been carried through its first difficult stages without the support of the public, and we need in a still greater degree the support of public opinion in the endeavour to organise Volunteers for naval defence. I cannot but be grateful for the generous feeling which has been expressed out of doors on this subject, and I thank your Lordships for the kind tone in which this Debate has been conducted.