HL Deb 27 July 1891 vol 356 cc386-7

Amendments reported (according to order).


My Lords, I have to move certain Amendments, and I am very sorry I have not been able to place them on the Paper, as the Bill in the present form had not been circulated to the Members of the House in time. I have three Amendments to propose. They are not Amendments so much of substance as to explain the meaning of the Bill in various clauses, and to carry out what I believe is the intention of its promoters. The purpose of the first is to secure that the meeting of the District Committee, at which it is resolved to apply to the County Council, shall be a special meeting.

Amendment moved in Clause 2, line 24, after the word "passed" to insert the words "and such application having been sanctioned"; and in the next line to strike out the words "a meeting" and to substitute therefor the word "meeting."—(The Earl of Camperdown.)


My noble Friend has been good enough to show me this Amendment before the House met, and I have no objection to it.

Amendment agreed to.


The next Amendment is in Clause 5. The object of this Amendment is to explain exactly what the Local Authority is for the purpose of borrowing. There is no doubt it is the County Council; but at the same time it is thought better that the words "County Council" should be inserted. I beg to move that Amendment.

Amendment moved, in Clause 5, page 3, line 37, after the word "the" to insert "the County Council as the."—(The Earl of Camperdown.)


I have no objection.

Amendment agreed to.


The purpose of the next Amendment is to make the procedure under Clause 6 the same as the procedure under Clause 2.

Amendment moved in clause 6, page 4, line 6, after the word "authority" to insert the words "at a meeting called by special notice to resolve by an absolute majority of their number."—(The Earl of Camperdown.)

Bill to be read 3a to-morrow, and to be printed as amended. (No. 269.)