HL Deb 20 February 1891 vol 350 c1185

My Lords I beg to put a question to the noble Lord the Lord President of the Council of which I have given him private notice. It is to ask if he can account for the fact that although the New Education Code has been delivered to Members of the House of Commons, and has even been reviewed in the newspapers, it has not yet been distributed in this House? This is a matter of special importance, because it is only within 40 days of the Code being laid on the Table that attention can be called to any of its provisions with the view of taking the opinion of Parliament upon them before it becomes law.


My Lords, I am very sorry I cannot account for the Code not having been delivered. It was laid on the Tables of both Houses at the same time, and I suppose the printers have been unable to distribute it to the Members of both Houses simultaneously. I believe, however, it is now in course of distribution to your Lordships.