HL Deb 23 April 1891 vol 352 c1151

Order of the Day for the House to be put into Committee on the Betting by Infants Bill [LL.] read.

Moved that the said Bill and the Borrowing (Infants) Bill [ILL.] be considered by the same Committee, and that it be an Instruction to the Committee that they have power to consolidate the said. Bills into one Bill if they think fit (The Lord Herschell); agreed to: House in Committee on the said two Bills (according to order).


I may state that the Amendments as now drawn are simply for the purpose of carrying out the consolidation of the two Bills. I have not made any further alteration, thinking it better to do anything of that kind in Committee after they have been consolidated.

Amendments made; and Bills consolidated into one Bill under the title of An Act to render penal the inciting Infants to betting or wagering or to borrowing money (Betting and Loans (Infants) Bill [11.1..1).

The said Bill re-committed to the Standing Committee; and to be printed as amended. (No. 101.)