HL Deb 20 May 1890 vol 344 c1381

House in Committee (on Re-commitment) (according to order).


My Lords, before this Bill goes into Committee I wish to ask my noble Friend the Secretary of State for India whether he has taken into consideration the Petition of the Salford School Board in reference to it. I am told that their Petition was very reasonable, and I would refer him particularly to Clause 5, which represents the undesirableness of placing juvenile offenders under the police. The other point to which I wish to call attention is that offenders sent to day Industrial Schools should be detained there for three years as in the case of Truant Schools; they say that detention there for one year is not sufficient to make the desired improvement in offenders.


With reference to the Petition from the Salford School Board it has been presented to your Lordships' House, and is now I believe, on the Table. A copy of it has been forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, who, I have no doubt, will give me his views as soon as he has considered it. I will put down the Third Reading of the Bill for the 12th June, and I may say that for the same date I shall put down for Third Reading the Juvenile Offenders Bill and the Reformatory Schools Bill.

Bill reported without further amendment, and to be read 3ª on Thursday the 12th of June next.