§ Order of the Day for the Second Reading, read.
LORD DE ROSIn asking your Lordships to give a Second Reading to this Bill, I will merely say that it has received the sanction of the other House of Parliament, and also of Her Majesty's Government. It is for the purpose of benefiting a class of persons, the officers and servants of pauper lunatic asylums in Ireland, who have a very great amount of wear and tear, and whose duties require the exercise of a great amount of humanity and discretion in performing them. The Bill provides that the Governors may, at their discretion, recommend certain sums to be given to the officers or servants when incapacitated by sickness, age, or infirmity, or who have attained the age of 50, and have been in the Asylums not less than 15 years. That recommendation is to be approved by one of the Inspectors, and is to receive eventually the sanction of the Lord President in Council. I hope your Lordships will grant a Second Reading to this Bill.
§ Bill read 2a(according to order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.