HL Deb 27 February 1890 vol 341 cc1317-8

My Lords, in moving the Second Reading of this Bill, I need only say that it is a Bill which has been committed to one of the Grand Committees, the Law Committee. It is for the very desirable object of defining some branches of the law applicable to partnership. That is the scheme of the Bill—not a very easy task—in the first place; then to settle the legal relations between persons who are partners and persons dealing with them; then to settle the relations of the partners themselves; and then to deal with the question of dissolution and the consequences of it. I do not know that I should assist your Lordships by going further into a question which is so highly technical than is necessary for the purpose of describing its general object. The draft of the Bill has been most carefully prepared, and I may state that I have had the very valuable assistance of Lord Justice Lindley in framing the various clauses. I have no doubt that the measure will be thoroughly considered in Committee by your Lordships' House.


My Lords, I need hardly say that I do not intend in any way to oppose this Bill; but, on the contrary, I heartily support the proposal for its Second Reading, inasmuch as it is substantially the measure which I asked your Lordships to read a second time at the close of last Session of Parliament. My noble and learned Friend on the Woolsack on that occasion intimated that, in his view, any measure of this description ought to be introduced by the Government of the day, and by them alone; and that any attempt at codification by any private Member was a usurpation of the prerogatives of the Government. I dissented on that occasion from the view of my noble and learned Friend, and I repeat that dissent to-day, seeing that the only successful measure of codification has been one that was introduced by a private Member. But if the Government of the day are willing to undertake the task, I need hardly say that I am well satisfied, and that I will give them every assistance in passing it into law.

Bill read 2a (according to order), and committed to the Standing Committee for Bills relating to Law, &c.

House adjourned at half past Four o'clock, till To-morrow, a quarter past Ten o'clock.