HL Deb 04 August 1890 vol 347 c1722

House in Committee (on re-commitment) (according to order.)


I had proposed to move some Amendments, but I believe my noble and learned Friend will try, if I state what they are, to meet them in the further stages of the Bill. One has reference to the absolute bar upon the discretion of the Court in granting discharges in the event of a person being in the opinion of the Court guilty of any of the misdemeanours mentioned in the Act. I object to the form in which that absolute bar is placed. The second point has reference to the question which was raised by my noble and learned Friend opposite with reference to the obligation to disclaim onerous leases and so forth. As both of those Amendments will, I understand, be made by my noble and learned Friend at a further stage of the Bill I do not propose to move them now.

Bill reported without further Amendment, and to be read 3ª on Thursday next.