HL Deb 28 April 1890 vol 343 cc1504-5

My Lords, the Motion which I have to propose this evening is really nothing more than a formal one. I mentioned to your Lordships last year the reasons which caused me to bring the matter forward, and since then the proposal has been agreed to by Her Majesty's Government. I should, however, like to mention? one point in connection with the subject. It has been mentioned in various quarters that I am actuated by a spirit of hostility to the great hospitals in London, and I only wish to contradict that by saying that I and those with whom I am acting approach this subject in no spirit of hostility at all. Knowing how great are the straits that many of these institutions are in, we wish to lay bare the facts, and so strengthen the position of those most worthy establishments, and we suggest that under the best advice some practical organisation should be formed, whose action and co-operation may render these great charitable institutions more useful than at present.

Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire with regard to all hospitals and provident and other public dispensaries and charitable institutions within the Metropolitan area for the care and treatment of the sick poor which possess real property or invested personal property, in the nature of endowment, of a permanent or temporary nature; and to receive, if the Committee think fit, evidence tendered by the authorities of voluntary institutions for like purposes, or with their consent, in relation to such institutions: And further, to inquire and report what amount of accommodation for the sick is provided by rate, and as to the management thereof; and that the witnesses before the said Select Committee be examined on oath; agreed to."—(The Lord Sandhurst.)

Then the Lords following were named of the Committee:

L. Abp. Canterbury. L. Clifford of Chudleigh.
E. Cadogan (L. Privy Seal).
L. Sandhurst.
E. Winchilsea and Nottingham. L. Fermanagh (E. Erne).
E. Lauderdale. L. Lamington.
E. Spencer. L. Sudley (E. Arran).
E. Cathcart. L. Monkswell.
E. Kimberley. L. Thring.
L. Zouche of Haryngworth.

The Committee to meet on Thursday next, at Three o'clock, and to appoint their own Chairman.