HL Deb 23 July 1889 vol 338 cc1070-1

Order of the Day for the Third Reading read.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3a."—(The Lord Privy Seal [E. Cadogan]).


, in moving that the Bill be read a third time this day three months, said that the measure had been hurried through the House in an extraordinary manner. He was convinced it was not needed by the farming interest, and even as far back as 1851 he had seen nine cows come to the centre of England, which had to be killed from pleuro-pneumonia; but since that time, the Privy Council, aided by Mr. Lennox Peel, had satisfied the farmers. He was satisfied that the Bill conferred too large powers upon the Treasury, and that it was wholly unnecessary.

Amendment moved, to leave out "now," and add at the end of the Motion, "this day three months."—(The Lord Denman.)


I hope your Lordships will read this Bill a third time. It has passed through all its stages in this House, and I think the noble Lord has advanced no argument why it should be rejected upon this occasion.

On Question whether the word "now" shall stand part of the Motion, resolved in the affirmative: Bill read 3a accordingly, with the Amendments, and passed and sent to the Commons.