HL Deb 21 February 1889 vol 333 cc2-5

THE LORD CHANCELLOR delivered HER MAJESTY'S SPEECH to both Houses of Parliament, as follows:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"During the brief period that has elapsed since the close of the last Session, nothing has taken place to affect the cordial relations which exist between Myself and other Powers.

"The operations which had been successfully completed in Egypt a few days before the last Prorogation have effected the object for which they were undertaken, and I see no ground for apprehending the renewal of disturbance in the neighbourhood of Suakim. The negotiations which I had directed to be opened with the Rulers of Thibet for the purpose of preventing encroachment on my rights over the territory of Sikkim have not as yet been brought to a favourable conclusion; but I hope that further Military operations will not be necessary.

"I have consented to take part in a Conference with Germany and the United States at Berlin upon the affairs of Samoa, in continuation of that which was recently assembled at Washington.

"Gentlemen of the Some of Commons,

"The Estimates for the Public Service of the year will be laid before you. The unceasing expenditure upon warlike preparation which has been incurred by other European nations has rendered necessary an increase in the precautions which have hitherto been taken for the safety of our shores and our commerce. The counsels by which other Powers are guided, and which dispose of their vast Forces, are at present uniformly friendly to this Country; but I have no right to assume that this condition is necessarily secure from the possibility of change.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"Some portions of the Bill which was presented to you last year for amending the Local Government of England and Wales were laid aside in consequence of the pressure upon the time of Parliament; and from the same cause it was found to be impossible to enter upon the question of Local Government for Scotland. Bills dealing with these matters will be laid before you.

"Your early attention will be asked to measures for developing the material resources of Ireland and for amend ing the constitution of the various tribunals which have special jurisdiction over real property in that country. The Statutes which you have recently passed for the restoration of order and confidence in Ireland have already been attended with salutary results.

"Legislative provision will be necessary for executing the Convention into which I have entered for the suppression of bounties on the exportation of sugar; and also for completing the conversion of the Three per Cent. Annuities. The state of the gold coinage has for some years past been the subject of legitimate complaint. A measure for restoring it to a satisfactory condition will be laid before you.

"Though the Commission which I appointed to inquire into the Civil Establishments of the United Kingdom has not yet completed its labours, it has already made a Report of much value, and proposals for legislation arising out of that Report will be submitted to you.

"Several subjects which I have commended to your care in previous years, but which the increasing burden of your duties has shut out from consideration, will be submitted to you again. In this number will be included measures relating to tithes, for the regulation of the Universities of Scotland, for determining the liability of employers in the case of accidents, for establishing a Department of Agriculture, for cheapening the transfer of land, and for remedying abuses attaching to Joint Stock Companies formed under limited liability.

"I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may be with you in the discharge of your arduous duties."

Then the Commons withdrew.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.


ROLL OF THE LORDS—Garter King of Arms attending, delivered at the Table (in the usual manner) a List of the Lords Temporal in the Fourth Session of the Twenty-fourth Parliament of the United Kingdom: The same was ordered to lie on the Table.

Several Lords—Took the Oath.

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