§ Order of the day for the Third Reading read.
§ Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3a."—(The Lard Balfour.)
LORD DENMANrepeated his objections to this measure, and pointed out the enormous borrowing powers which it conferred upon the County Council. By the Standing Order to which he had on a previous occasion referred, it was clear that the House had power to examine a Bill of this kind and to make alterations in it. It had been said that the particular function of that House was to put a check upon rash legislation. If ever there was a Bill which could be so described, it was this, and the House would not be doing its duty unless it rejected the measure altogether. He urged that a matter of such importance should be dealt with deliberately, and that the Bill ought not to be rushed through Parliament without adequate discussion.
§ Amendment moved to leave out ("now") and add at the end of the Motion ("this day six months").—(The Lord Benman.)
§ On question whether the word ("now") shall stand part of the Motion, resolved in the affirmative.
§ Bill read 3a accordingly, and passed.