HL Deb 12 August 1889 vol 339 c1006

"Return from every archbishop and bishop holding a see in England or Wales of the names, residence, profession or occupation, and, if a clergyman, the preferment, of every secretary, apparitor, seal keeper, or other officer employed by them in the transaction of ecclesiastical business, stating the scale of fees charged by such officers, with the total amount of fees received by each of such officers for his own use during each year from 1870 to 1888, both included, and the nature of the duties performed by each officer respectively for such fees.

Return from every ecclesiastical registry in England and Wales, stating the fees payable to each archbishop (if any), bishop (if any), vicar-general, chancellor, commissary, official, master of the faculties, or other ecclesiastical judge, whether acting in person or by deputy, surrogate, registrar, deputy-registrar, or other officer, for the transaction of ecclesiastical business in Court or out of Court, stating the amount of fees that have been received in respect of each class of document or business transacted during each year from 1870 to 1888, both included, stating to whom such fees or proportions of such fees have been paid, and the duties performed by each officer respectively for such fees.

Likewise, the amount of the fee charged for a marriage license exclusive of stamps, also of the number of marriage licenses issued in each year from 1870 to 1888, both included, with the total amount of fees paid into the registry for marriage licenses, exclusive of stamps, in each of those years, stating to what officer such fees have been paid, and the amount received by each of such officers, and the duties performed by each officer respectively for such fees [in continuation of Return (185), 1870]."

Address for (Earl Beauchamp.)