HL Deb 27 July 1888 vol 329 c652

asked Her Majesty's Government, Whether the attention of the Home Office has been directed to an announcement in the papers that a Professor Baldwin will, at the Alexandra Palace, on Saturday next, jump out of a balloom 1,000 feet above the ground; whether it is believed that the announcement is genuine; and, if so, whether measures will be taken to prevent so dangerous and demoralizing an exhibition?


said, the attention of the Home Secretary had been called to the subject, and he had requested the police to make inquiries. The police had been asked, if it were true, to warn the persons responsible of the serious consequences which might ensue if the feat were attended with fatal result. There was no legislation to prevent an adult indulging in foolish or dangerous feats. There had been cases where foolish feats had been prevented, such as the case of Blondin, who was going to wheel a child in a perambulator—in a barrow he meant—along a rope a great height above the ground.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.