HL Deb 04 December 1888 vol 331 cc1008-9

asked Her Majesty's Government, Whether their attention has been called to statements in the Press that the Lambeth Board of Guardians have reinstated as receiving wardsman at the Lambeth Workhouse a man who was sentenced in June last to a month's imprisonment for assaulting an inmate; and whether they approve the conduct of the Guardians in so soon reinstating in a position of authority a man found guilty of an offence against those placed under his charge?


said, the Local Government Board had been in communication with the Guardians and had learnt that this man, who was receiving wardsman, was convicted of an aggravated assault on another pauper, and committed to prison for a month with hard labour. The Guardians appointed a committee to inquire into the matter, and they came to the conclusion that the assault was committed in self-defence and under great provocation, and if the facts had been fully and accurately placed before the magistrate, or, if the conviction had been appealed against, Payne would have been dealt with more leniently. It was further recommended that the man should be allowed, at the expiration of his imprisonment, to resume his duty, and the Guardians acquiesced. After full consideration, however, the Local Government Board were of opinion that he ought not to be reinstated, that he could not properly retain the position he now held, and that he should be called upon to resign.