HL Deb 09 August 1888 vol 330 cc56-7

read to the House the following translation of a letter from the German Ambassador expressing the thanks of His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, for the special Resolution of sympathy passed by the House of Lords with the sorrow of the Imperial family of Germany on the occasion of the death of the Emperor Frederick:—

"German Embassy, London,

"July 31, 1888.

"My Lord,—On the occasion of the decease of His Majesty the Emperor and King Frede- rick, my gracious Sovereign, the two Houses of the English Parliament sent expressions of condolence to Her Majesty and Empress-Queen Frederick, the House of Lords and the House of Commons both in the form of resolutions dated June 18. Besides this, the House of Lords expressed by a special resolution of the same date their deep sympathy with the sorrow of the Imperial family, of the Government, and of the people of Germany. Although I may remark that the thanks of Her Majesty have already been conveyed to the two Houses of Parliament for the resolutions of sympathy addressed to Her through the British Ambassador at Berlin, I am instructed to express the thanks of His Majesty the Emperor and King for the second resolution of the House of Lords, and I beg your Lordship to inform the Upper House of the fact.

"I have, &c.,


"The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G."