HL Deb 16 September 1887 vol 321 cc552-6

was this day prorogued by Commission.


acquainted the House that Her Majesty had been pleased to grant two several Commissions; one for declaring Her Royal Assent to several Bills agreed to by both Houses of Parliament, and the other for proroguing the Parliament:—And the LORDS COMMISSIONERS—namely, The LORD CHANCELLOR; The VISCOUNT CROSS (Secretary of State for India); The LORD STANLEY of PRESTON (President of the Board of Trade); The EARL BROWNLOW (Paymaster General); and The MARQUESS of LOTHIAN (Secretary for Scotland)—being in their Robes, and seated on a Form between the Throne and the Woolsack; and the COMMONS being come, with their Speaker, and the Commission for that purpose being read, the ROYAL ASSENT was given to several Bills.


pursuant to Her Majesty's Command, delivered Her Majesty's Speech, as follows:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"MY relations with other Powers continue to be friendly.

"The protracted Negotiations which have taken place between the Emperor of Russia and Myself in regard to the Line of Frontier, which we should agree to recognise as forming the Northern Limit of Afghanistan, have been brought to a satisfactory termination; and the Ameer has readily accepted the boundary which the two Powers have laid down. I hope that this Convention will conduce powerfully to the maintenance of a durable peace in Central Asia.

"The Treaty between Great Britain and China in reference to the relations of that Country with Burmah has been ratified. The confident hope which I expressed that the general pacification of the latter Country would be effected during the present year has been fully realised, and a settled Government is being gradually introduced into its more remote districts.

"A Convention was concluded between the Sultan of Turkey and Myself for the purpose of defining the conditions under which it would be possible for Me to undertake the withdrawal of My troops from Egypt at a fixed date. It has, however, not been ratified by the Sultan, and the course of action imposed upon Me by My obligations to the Ruler and People of Egypt remains unchanged. The presence of My Forces has secured to that Country the blessings of tranquillity, and has enabled Me effectually to support the Khedive in his efforts to promote the good government and prosperity of his People.

"I have agreed with the President of the United States to refer to a Joint Commission the difficult questions respecting the North American Fisheries which have recently been under discussion between the two Nations.

"It is with singular satisfaction that I mention the assemblage of the first Conference of the Representatives of My Colonies that has ever been held in this Capital. Their deliberations, directed to many matters of deep practical interest to their respective communities, and conducted in a spirit of hearty co-operation, will, I doubt not, add strength to the affection by which the various parts of My Empire are bound together.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"I thank you for the liberal provision which you have made for the wants of the public service.

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"There are some grounds for hoping that the grave depression under which all commercial and industrial interests in this Country have lain for so long is assuming a less severe character. I deeply grieve to add, however, that there is no mitigation of the suffering under which large portions of the agricultural community continue to labour.

"The wants and difficulties of Ireland have occupied your close attention during a protracted Session. I trust that the remedies which your wisdom has provided will gradually effect the complete restoration of order in that Country, and will give a renewed encouragement to peaceful industry. In order to pass them, it has been necessary to postpone the consideration of many important measures affecting other parts of the United Kingdom, which, I doubt not, you will be able to resume without hindrance in the coming Session.

"I have, however, gladly given my assent to legislation by which I hope the provision of allotments in districts where they are required will be facilitated; the safety and prosperity of the large and industrious population engaged in mining operations will be more fully secured; and fraudulent practices in the marking of merchandise, highly injurious to the trade and commercial reputation of this Country, will be prevented; while, with regard to Scotland, the Law of Criminal Procedure will be simplified and improved, and the high office of Secretary for Scotland will acquire additional importance and efficiency.

"This year, as the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Reign, has been the occasion for the expression of a fervent loyalty on the part of My subjects throughout the Empire which has deeply touched Me. I am indeed truly grateful for the warm and hearty proofs of affection which have reached Me from all classes; and in thanking God for the blessings He has vouchsafed to Me and to My Country, I trust I may be spared to continue to reign over a loving, faithful, and united people."

Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.

After which,



My Lords, and Gentlemen,

By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name, and in obedience to Her Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Wednesday the Thirtieth day of November next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Wednesday the Thirtieth day of November next.

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