§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA (Viscount CROSS)Yesterday, in answer to the Question of a noble Earl whom I do not now see in his place (the Earl of Fife) I promised that I would lay before your Lordships to-day any information that I might have received from the Viceroy with regard to the reported disturbances in Afghanistan. In accordance with that promise, the information I have to give to your Lordships is this—The intelligence received from the Viceroy to-day does not confirm the report referred to by the noble Earl in his Question of yesterday. No fighting is reported as having occurred in the neighbourhood of the Khyber Pass, though it appears that an engagement took place on the 12th ultimo between the Ameer's troops and the tribes in the Hotak country, in which both sides are said to have claimed the advantage. There is no reason, however, to believe that the Ameer is not holding his own, as well as the Pass.
§ House adjourned at half past Four o'clock, to Monday next, a quarter before Eleven o'clock.