That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, for copies or extracts of reports of Her Majesty's diplomatic agents at Paris, Vienna, and Berlin, on the subject of horse-breeding depôts, forwarded to the Foreign Office in the year 1884,2 said, that his noble Friend (Lord Ribblesdale), who raised the question of our horse supply a few nights ago, had expressed his intention of submitting to their Lordships a scheme for the supply of horses, particularly for military purposes. In the meantime it would, he believed, be interesting to know what foreign countries were doing in the matter. He had reason to believe that at the Foreign Office there were Reports on this subject sent by Her Majesty's Diplomatic Agents from Paris, Vienna, and Berlin; and, through the courtesy of the noble Earl who was, in 1884, at the Foreign Office, he (the Earl of Strafford) had the opportunity of looking into them. They were very interesting, and were not very voluminous. They dealt with the subject of horse-breeding depôts; and the financial part of the question was also dealt with, and showed that a large sum of money was expended 3 in promoting horse-breeding in Franco, Germany, and Austria. It would be of great service if their Reports could be given to the public, so that those interested in the subject might have an opportunity of studying thorn. He hoped the noble Marquess would not object to the production of these Reports.
Address for—
Copies or extracts of reports of Her Majesty's diplomatic agents at Paris, Vienna and Berlin, on the subject of horse-breading depots, forwarded to the Foreign Office in the year 1884."—(The Earl of Strafford.)
THE PRIME MINISTER AND SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (The Marquess of SALIS-BURY)There is no objection whatever to the production of the Reports, which I am quite willing should be laid upon the Table.
§ Address agreed to.