HL Deb 15 July 1887 vol 317 cc896-7

Moved forReturns of the rental of each county and each parish in Scotland and of the value of the teinds appertaining thereto, and the value of such portion of them as is now appropriated to the payment of stipend and communion elements, and the value of such of them as are unexhausted by such, payments, and which still remain available for the future augmentation of ministers' stipends (in part continuation of Return 235, 1881)."—(The Earl of Minto.)


said, he thought the Returns asked for would be most useful and instructive, as it was a question in regard to which the public should be better informed. He would ask the noble Earl, however, not to press for a Return of the rental of each county and each parish in Scotland, as he thought it would be almost impossible to give them. It would be simple to give the value in each county where the valuation was printed; but that was not the case in all counties in Scotland, and there was no compulsory powers to compel their being given by the localities. In cases where the valuation roll was printed, the Return would be easily compiled, but given in this imperfect way, it would be very unsettling. With that exception, he should be most happy to give the Returns asked for.

Motion, as amended, agreed to. Returns of the rental of each parish in Scotland, and of the value of the teinds appertaining thereto, and the value of such portion of them as is now appropriated to the payment of stipend and communion elements, and the value of such of them as are unexhausted by such payments, and which still remain available for the future augumentation of ministers' stipends (in part continuation of Return 235, 1881).

Ordered to be laid before the House.