HL Deb 08 July 1887 vol 317 cc204-5

, in rising to ask Her Majesty's Government, Whether it is intended in any way to recognize the excellence of the police arrangements and the admirable conduct of the Metropolitan Police during the Jubilee celebration? said, that if there was one thing more than another which filled foreigners with, admiration, it was the admirable behaviour of the police on Jubilee day. On no day had there been fewer charges brought before the magistrates than on the day after the Jubilee celebration, and that he attributed to the admirable conduct of the police, and the excellent organization which had been brought about by Sir Charles Warren.


, in reply, said, he wished emphatically to endorse the statement of the noble Lord as to the excellence of the police arrangements, and the admirable conduct of the men themselves on Her Majesty's Jubilee day. He had to inform their Lordships that the services of the Metropolitan Police would be duly recognized and rewarded. The Chief Commissioner had already granted three days' extra leave with full pay to each member of the force. In addition, each, member of the force would receive an extra day's pay and a bronze medal commemorative of the occasion.