§ THE EARL OF HARROWBYsaid, that, following up the conversation in the House yesterday, he desired to put a Question, of which he had given private Notice, with reference to the startling announcement made as to the issue of untrustworthy weapons to Her Majesty's Navy. He wished to ask, Whether any complaints had been received by the Admiralty of untrustworthy weapons having been supplied to thorn for the use of the Fleet previously to those announced to the House yesterday; if so, at what dates, and in connection with, what ships such complaints were made? Upon so important a matter the revelations made were so startling that he need make no apology for asking the Question at once.
§ LORD ELPHINSTONE (A LORD in WAITING)My noble Friend has no 1199 need to apologize. I can only say, as I did yesterday, that it is not the custom of the Admiralty to keep any record of complaints, or of defects regarding the stores supplied to the Navy. Any such complaints are at once handed on to the War Office; but I may add that a Schedule of complaints made to the Admiralty from different ships has been printed, and is in the hands of the Commission now sitting.
§ THE EARL OF HARROWBYsaid, that he would move for a copy of that Schedule on an early day, as he thought their Lordships ought to have it in their hands.