§ THE EARL OF WEMYSSasked, Whether the President of the Board of Trade, or someone in charge of the Margarine Bill, would, in accordance with the understanding arrived at the other evening, give their Lordships an assurance that the Bill should not proceed further in their Lordships' House until the evidence taken before the Select Committee of the other House had been laid before their Lordships?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRADE (Lord STANLEY of PRESTON)said, he was not responsible for the Bill, and it was not his power to give his noble Friend any positive assurance in the matter. The evidence had not yet been circulated; but he was sure his noble Friend's appeal would not be without effect on those who were responsible for the conduct of the measure.
§ THE EARL OF WEMYSSsaid, he only made the appeal for the convenience of those interested in the subject.
§ House adjourned at half past Six o'clock, till To-morrow, a quarter past Ten o'clock.