HL Deb 09 March 1886 vol 303 c220

said, that the Government proposed to reintroduce this Bill, and in substantially the same form in which it left their Lordships' House last year. Their Lordships might remember that this Bill was one of great detail, and had been referred to a Committee of the House, who had introduced many Amendments, and the Government thought it would be convenient to re-introduce it in the form to which it was brought by the Committee. The Government would put on the Paper any Amendments before the Committee stage that they might think necessary, and he would ask the House to give the Bill a second reading some day next week.

Bill for regulating the police and sanitary administration of towns and populous places; and for facilitating the union of police and municipal administration in burghs in Scotland—Presented (The Earl of ELGIN); read 1a. (No. 28.)