HL Deb 12 March 1885 vol 295 c842

asked the Lord Chancellor, Whether he can inform the House why a full report of the proceedings at Holyrood House on the 17th of February last, on the occasion of the assembly of the Scotch Peers by Royal Proclamation to elect two representatives in the place of the late Earls of Dundonald and Morton, has not been made to this House by the Lord Clerk Register; and whether the Lord Chancellor will call for this usual report to be forwarded from Edinburgh without further delay? He explained that he had been unable to be present at the election in consequence of the death of a near relative. Under these circumstances, he had proposed to exercise his vote by proxy, and had sent it by a noble Friend of his. But he learned from the public prints that a discussion took place as to whether that vote was valid or not. It was stated at the meeting that a full Report of the whole proceedings would, as usual, be sent to the House of Lords; but although three weeks had passed since the re-assembling of Parliament, he had not yet seen the Report.


said, that the proper Return had been laid on the Table of the House that day. He was informed that it was earlier and not later than usual, considering the date of the election.