HL Deb 27 February 1885 vol 294 c1522

My Lords, it is a wholesome practice not to answer here matters which are stated in debate in the other House of Parliament. But there are some exceptions, and there arise sometimes questions of a personal character. Tour Lordships all know that some time ago there arrived in this country a Special Envoy from the Porte—Fehmy Pasha. At the time of his arrival I made some inquiries, and from both Englishmen and foreigners I received, without exception, a high and flattering character of that gentleman. If I may say so with respect, the communications I have had with him have entirely confirmed the opinions previously given to me. But an old friend of mine, Sir Robert Peel—one of the most brilliant and lively speakers I know—appears to have made a rather more than usually amusing speech last night, and he gave the House of Commons an account of a conversation which took place between Fehmy Pasha and myself. I was a little puzzled at first, because I had not the slightest recollection of having said what I was stated to have said; and, in the second place, because I did not see how Sir Robert Peel could have known it if I had. That, however, was explained by Sir Robert Peel himself, who subsequently said that he was informed of it by Fehmy Pasha. I have taken the opportunity of communicating with Fehmy Pasha, who is quite in accordance with me in the opinion that Sir Robert Peel was under a misunderstanding in what he said. It is not an important matter, but I thought your Lordships would excuse me for mentioning it.