HL Deb 23 October 1884 vol 293 c4

My Lords, I may take this opportunity of acquainting your Lordships as to what the Government think will be the most convenient course to adopt with regard to the meeting of the House after the Address has been agreed to this evening, which I trust will be the case. Her Majesty's Government have no Business to bring before your Lordships; but Notice of a Question has been given by a noble and gallant Lord to-day, which he does not mean to put until the First Lord of the Admiralty returns to this country. Therefore, if it is convenient to your Lordships, I shall this evening move the adjournment of the House to Monday week, the 3rd of November.


I have no objection whatever to the proposal of the noble Earl. I understand there is likely to be some Business of interest on Monday week; but that before that time there will not be any.