§ Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.
THE BISHOP OF DURHAM, in moving that the Bill be now read a second time, said, that in the year 1878 an Act was passed for the creation of four new Bishoprics. Among the Sees affected by the provisions of that Act was the dio- 1542 cese of Durham. The counties of Durham and Northumberland contributed a far larger sum than was necessary to provide the minimum endowment for a new Bishopric, as specified in the Act, and the Bishopric of Newcastle was accordingly created. That step had been followed, it must be allowed, by the most beneficial results. The Act provided that such arrangements as were immediately necessary for the working of the diocese might be carried out by an Order in Council. In accordance with its provisions, the whole of his (the Bishop of Durham's) patronage in the diocese of Newcastle was, with his full consent, handed over to the new Bishop. It was necessary, however, to provide for other matters, in order that the ecclesiastical framework of the diocese might be completed, and the Bill now before their Lordships dealt with those matters. The Bill proposed to create a Dean and Chapter for the diocese of Newcastle, and, as connected therewith, to transfer a canonry of the cathedral church of Durham, which was attached to the Archdeaconry of Northumberland, to the new diocese. That formed the main part of the Bill, which was framed on the lines of the Truro Chapter Act. This remark applied to the first 10 clauses, on which, therefore, it was unnecessary to dwell. The 11th clause of the Bill would empower the executors of certain deceased persons who had promised donations to the Newcastle Bishopric Endowment to give effect to their known intentions. The 12th clause would re-transfer to the See of Newcastle certain patronage which had been transferred about a quarter of a century ago from the See of Durham to Sees that were at that time more slenderly endowed with patronage than they were now. It likewise dealt with other transferences of patronage which were advisable. The 13th clause would allow the Archdeacon of Northumberland, who was at present required by virtue of his Archdeaconry to reside within the diocese of Newcastle, and by virtue of his Canonry to reside in the diocese of Durham, to retain his residence and stall in Durham, until, by the voluntary acceptance of some preferment in the diocese of Newcastle, he transferred himself thither. He would, in conclusion, move the second reading of the Bill.
§ Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2a" —(The Lord Bishop of Durham).
THE BISHOP OF CARLISLEsaid, that he was one who had felt it to be his duty to consent to the retransference of patronage proposed by the Bill.
§ Motion agreed to; Bill read 2a accordingly, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
§ House adjourned at a quarter before Eight o'clock, to Monday next, a quarter before Eleven o'clock.