§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading —Metropolitan Police* (118); Local Government Provisional Orders (Poor Law) (No. 4) (Belchalwell, &c.) * (119); Local Government Provisional Orders (Poor Law) (No. 9) (Parishes of Ashen, &c.)* (120); Local Government Provisional Orders (Poor Law) (No. 10) (Parishes of Charley, &c.)* (121); Electric Lighting Provisional Order (No. 3) (Saint James, Westminster, &c.)* (122); Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (Labourers Act) (Unions of North Dublin, &c.)* (123); Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (Bandon Waterworks) * (124); Sea Fisheries Act (1868) Amendment* (125).
§ Second Reading —Gas Provisional Orders (No. 2) (Emsworth Gaa, &c.) * (105).