§ THE LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that Her Majesty had been pleased to grant two several Commissions, one for declaring Her Royal Assent to several Bills agreed 652 upon by both Houses of Parliament, and the other for proroguing the Parliament:—And the LORDS COMMISSIONERS—namely, The LORD CHANCELLOR; The LORD STEWARD OF THE HOUSEHOLD (The Earl Sydney); HER MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES (The Earl of Derby); The LORD CHAMBERLAIN (The Earl of Kenmare); and The LORD MONSON (Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard)—being in their Robes, and seated on a Form between the Throne and the Woolsack; and the COMMONS being come, with their Speaker, and the Commission to that purpose being read, the ROYAL ASSENT was given to several Bills.
§ Then THE LORD CHANCELLOR, pursuant to Her Majesty's Command, delivered HER MAJESTY'S SPEECH, as follows:—
§ "My Lords, and Gentlemen,
§ "THE satisfaction with which I ordinarily release you from discharging the duties of the Session is on the present occasion qualified by a sincere regret that an important part of your labours should have failed to result in a legislative enactment.
§ "The most friendly intercourse continues to subsist between myself and all foreign Powers.
§ "Diplomatic relations have been resumed with Mexico, and a preliminary Agreement has been signed, providing for the negotiation of a new Treaty of Commerce and Navigation.
§ "I have to lament the failure of the efforts, which were made by the European Powers assembled in the recent Conference, to devise means for restoring that equilibrium in the finances of Egypt which is so important an element in its well-being and good order.
§ "I shall continue to fulfil with fidelity the duties which grow out of the presence of my troops in the valley of the Nile; and I trust that the 653 special mission, which I have determined upon sending to that country, may materially aid me in considering what counsels to tender to the Egyptian Government, and what steps to adopt in connection therewith.
§ "Imperial authority has been resumed in Basutoland, and as much progress made in the settlement of its affairs as I could reasonably have anticipated.
§ "The Convention concluded with the Delegates from the Transvaal has been ratified by the Volksraad.
§ "I regret that the condition of Zululand, outside of the Reserve, continues to be disturbed.
§ "Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
§ "I thank you for the liberal provision which you have made to sustain the establishments of the country.
§ "My Lords, and Gentlemen,
§ "I continue to view with unabated satisfaction the mitigation and diminution of agrarian crime in Ireland, and the substantial improvement in the condition of its people.
§ "I acknowledge with thankfulness the favourable season, and the prospect it affords of an alleviation of the pressure which has so long and so severely affected the agricultural industry of the country.
§ "I have had pleasure in giving my assent to the Act for lightening the burden of the National Debt by the Conversion of Stock, the Act for the Repression of Corrupt Practices at Municipal Elections, the Act relating to the Contagious Diseases of Animals imported from Abroad, and the Act for the Extension of the Hours of Polling in Boroughs.
654§ "It is my design again at an early period to draw your attention, as I have done during the Session now expiring, to the great subject of the Representation of the People.
§ "I rejoice to observe, amidst the numerous indications of the interest generally felt in this subject, constant proofs of loyalty to the Throne and respect for the law. These indications inspire me with a full belief that a great national aim will, on this as on many other occasions, be pursued with order and moderation: the best securities for such a settlement as may, under the blessing of Divine Providence, conduce to the happiness and liberties of the people, and the strength of the Empire."
§ Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.
§ After which,
§ My Lords, and, Gentlemen,
§ By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name, and in obedience to Her Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Monday the fifteenth day of September next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Monday the fifteenth day of September next.