§ THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURYI wish to ask, Whether the noble Earl the Foreign Secretary, to whom I have given Notice of the Question, can give any further information with respect to the fulfilment of the 10th Article of the Treaty of Berlin in relation to the claims of British subjects on the Bulgarian Government with regard to the Varna Railway? A Question was asked on the subject some months ago, and the matter was said to be then under the consideration of the Bulgarian Government. I should be glad if the noble Earl can give any information on a subject which interests the British people to a very great extent.
§ EARL GRANVILLEI have nothing to add to the answer which I gave to the noble Earl on the 24th of July, excepting that on the 27th of that month Mr. Lascelles reported that M. Zancoff had assured him that the question was occupying the serious attention of the Bulgarian Government, who were fully alive to the necessity of arriving at a satisfactory solution.