HL Deb 10 August 1883 vol 283 c4

said, he wished to ask the noble Lord opposite (Lord Thurlow) a Question of which he had given private Notice, As to what decision the Office of Works has arrived at with reference to Memorials received from Edinburgh, asking that a portion of the Queen's Park there might be set apart for the purpose of playing football?


In reply to the Question which has been asked by the noble Earl, I beg to say, on behalf of the Office of Works, that the general question of devoting a portion of a public park to a special use, like that of football, as in the case of the Queen's Park, is one which has frequently received their consideration; and it is their opinion that there are great difficulties in the way of complying with such a request as being, of course, more or less inconsistent with the general enjoyment of the park by the public at large. The Office of Works fear that they are unable at present to depart from that principle.