HL Deb 17 July 1882 vol 272 cc694-5

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he can make any arrangement with the Foreign Offices of Continental Powers by which the papers on foreign affairs communicated by Foreign Governments to their respective Public Assemblies may be deposited in the Library of the House for the use of its Members?


, in reply, said, the Question was not so simple as the noble Lord seemed to suppose. There was an official objection to giving statements of what took place in the Parliament of foreign countries; but as regarded the other branch of the Question, there was now a Committee sitting on the subject of the communication to Parliament of certain Papers of an international character, and the point might perhaps be considered by them. The Librarian of the House of Lords was a Member of that Committee.

House adjourned at a quarter past Six o'clock, till To-morrow a quarter past Two o'clock.