HL Deb 11 August 1882 vol 273 c1489

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Allotments* (248).

Second Reading—Reserve Forces Acts Consolidation* (224); Militia Acts Consolidation* (225); Artizans' Dwellings (231); County Courts (Advocates' Costs)* (240); Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund)* (241); Government Annuities and Insurance* (243).

Committee—Parcel Post* (223).

CommitteeReport—Bombay Civil Fund* (222); Isle of Man (Officers)* (227); Pensions Commutation* (230).

CommitteeReportThird Reading— Bills of Exchange* (234); Labourers' Cottages and Allotments (Ireland)* (210), and passed.

Report—Municipal Corporations* (140); Wellesley Bridge (Limerick)* (228); Educational Endowments (Scotland) (239); Poor Law Amendment* (221).

Third Reading—Electric Lighting* (229), and passed.