HL Deb 12 May 1881 vol 261 c263


Moved, for a print of the Irish Land Bill, 1870, as read a first time in the House of Lords, showing by difference of print or ink, or by both methods, the amendments made in the Bill as returned to the Commons, and what afterwards became of such amendments, i.e., whether agreed to or disagreed to or further amended.—(The Earl Cairns.)


said, he thought such a Return rather unusual; but it was not the intention of the Government to offer any opposition to it. But there might be some difficulty in carrying it out. He desired to know if the noble and learned Earl wished to have a facsimile of the Bill, so as to show its complete history, or whether he only wished the Bill to be shown with the Amendments after it left the Commons and was presented to their Lordships' House, and the state in which it left on its return to the other House? He hoped the noble and learned Earl would allow the words to be added—"or otherwise."


said, all he wanted was a print of the Bill as it was introduced in that House, and as it was afterwards when sent back to the Commons.

Motion agreed to.

Ordered to be laid before the House.

House adjourned at half past Six o'clock, till To-morrow, half past Ten o'clock.