§ EARL SPENCER, seeing the noble Earl the Chairman of Committees in his place, wished to ask him a Question of which he had given him private Notice. Some little time ago he had the honour of bringing before their Lordships a Bill in reference to the prevention of floods. Several Private Bills had been introduced which contained provisions with reference to drainage and the prevention of floods. It seemed to him that it would be desirable to postpone the Committee on those Bills until after the provisions of the general Bill had been placed before their Lordships. It might be a matter of importance and save a great deal of trouble.
§ THE EARL OF REDESDALE (CHAIRMAN of COMMITTEES)said, that probably the noble Earl referred to the Severn Navigation Bill, and it might be found that the provisions of the general Act would accomplish all that was desired on the part of the promoters of that Bill. He had not had any applications in respect to other Bills connected with drainage; but he would make some inquiries into the subject, and, in all probability, the proposition of the noble Earl would be adopted.