HL Deb 03 February 1881 vol 258 cc43-4

asked Her Majesty's Government, Whether it would be convenient to grant a longer time for the consideration of the Rivers Conservancy and Floods Prevention Bill before going into Committee? The measure was a very important one, embracing a great many details, and full opportunity for the preparation of Amendments should be given.


asked, If the noble Earl the Lord President of the Council would, in accordance with the suggestion made by several noble Peers on the occasion of the second reading, consent to the reference of the Bill to a Select Committee, not for the consideration of the whole subject, but for looking into the measure now before the House?


in reply, said, that, considering the feeling expressed by the noble Duke (the Duke of Somerset) and supported by other Members of their Lordships' House, though not unanimously, Her Majesty's Government were willing to allow the Bill to be referred to a Select Committee; but he hoped that, as the Select Committee of their Lordships' House which considered the subject in 1877 had examined so many Witnesses, it would not be deemed necessary to take any further evidence. There would, probably, he was afraid, be some delay in the Committee getting to work, owing to the fact that the Report of the old Committee would have to be reprinted. He would, however, propose the Referenee on Monday.