HL Deb 04 September 1880 vol 256 cc1267-8

asked the noble Viscount the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether he had any-further information from Afghanistan, more particularly as to the killed and wounded?


in reply, said, that he had received the following telegram:—

"From General Roberts, Sept. 4.

"Candahar, Sept. 1, 6 p.m.

"Ayoub Khan's army was to-day totally defeated and completely dispersed, with, I hope, comparatively slight loss on our side. His camp was captured. The two lost guns of E Battery, B Brigade Royal Horse Artillery, were recovered, and several wheeled guns of various calibre fell to the splendid infantry of this force. The cavalry are still in pursuit. Our casualties are:—Captain Straton, 22d Regiment, killed; 72d Highlanders, Lieutenant-Colonel Brownlow and Captain Frome, killed; Captain Murray and Lieutenant Monro wounded, seven men killed, 18 wounded; 92d Highlanders, Lieutenant Menzics and Donald Stewart wounded, 11 men killed, and 39 wounded; Lieutenant-Colonel Battye, 2d Goorkhas, and Major Slater, 2d Sikhs, wounded. It is at present impossible to ascertain casualties among native troops, but I have no reason to believe they are excessive. Full details will he telegraphed to-morrow. The quite recently murdered remains of Lieutenant Maclaine, Royal Artillery, were found on the arrival of the British troops in Ayoub Khan's camp. Ayoub Khan is supposed to have fled towards Herat."