§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and Office of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod [No. 41].
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Beading—Consolidated Fund (No. 1)*; East India Loan (East Indian Railway Debentures) * (36); India Stock (Powers of Attorney) * (37); Valuation (Metropolis) Act (1809) Amendment* (38); Blind and Deaf-Mute Children * (39); Municipal Corporations (Property Qualification Abolition) * (40); Army Discipline and Regulation (Annual) *; Common Law Procedure and Judicature Acts Amendment * (44).
§ Second Reading—Road Debts on Entailed Estates (Scotland)* (29).
§ Committee—Report—Solicitors Remuneration * (16–42); Limitation of Actions* (17–43); Beer Dealers Retail Licenses (27); Artizans Dwellings Act (1868) Amendment Act (1879) Amendment* (21).