LORD VENTRYmoved for a Return showing the number of Agricultural Holdings in each Poor Law Union scheduled under the Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act, 1880, valued at under £4; £4 and not exceeding £10; £10 and not exceeding £15; £15 and not exceeding £20. The noble Lord said, it was rumoured that legislation of a rather unprecedented character might shortly be proposed to their Lordships; and he believed that the contemplated measure would be limited to the Unions scheduled under the Belief of Distress (Ireland) Act, and would thus affect the occupiers of the holdings described in his Question. The Return, therefore, if made, would give the number of those likely to be so affected. He, however, with the assent of the Government, would extend it by including holdings exceeding £20 and not exceeding £50.
§ EARL SPENCERsaid, he had no objection to granting the Return in the amended form proposed by the noble Lord.
Motion, as amended, agreed to.
Return showing the number of Agricultural Holdings in each Poor Law Union scheduled under the Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act, 1880, valued at under £4; £4 and not exceeding £10; £10 and not exceeding £15; £15 and not exceeding £20; £20 and not exceeding £50.—(The Lord Ventry.)
§ Ordered to be laid before the House.