HL Deb 23 June 1879 vol 247 c401

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading— Marriages Confirmation (Her Majesty's Ships) ٭(124).

CommitteeReport — Metropolis (Whitechapel and Limehouse) Improvement Scheme Amendment ٭(115); Inclosure Provisional Order (Matterdale Common) ٭ (107); Inclosure Pro- visional Order (Redmoor and Golberdon Commons) ٭ (109); Inclosure Provisional Order (East Stainmore Common) ٭ (108); Local Government (Highways) Provisional Orders (Gloucester and Hereford)٭ (112); Local Government (Highways) Provisional Orders (Dorset, &c.)٭ (1ll); Local Government Provisional Orders (Castleton by Rochdale, &c.) ٭ (114); Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (Killarney, &c.)٭ (110); Local Government (Poor Law) Provisional Orders٭ (96).

Report—Supply of Drink on Credit٭ (84); Local Government Provisional Orders (Ax-minster Union, &c.) ٭ (94); Local Government Provisional Orders (Abergavenny Union, &c.)٭ (103).

Third Reading Prosecution of Offences٭ (121); Parliamentary Burghs (Scotland) ٭ (90), and passed.