THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORKasked Her Majesty's Government, Whether there is any objection to amend the Royal Commission on Cathedrals, so as to include in the number of the Commissioners the Visitor of each Cathedral in turn as well as the Dean and one of the Canons, when the statutes of the Cathedral are under consideration?
§ THE EARL OF BEACONSFIELDsaid, he had considered the proposal of the most rev. Prelate. It appeared to him that the Royal Commission would be perfectly competent to deal with all the circumstances involved in the subject of their inquiry. In fact, to deal with those circumstances was the principal reason why the Royal Commission had been recommended. He might say, generally, that it appeared to him that the Ecclesiastical and Cathedral interests were sufficiently represented; and, therefore, though with regret, he must decline to recommend any modification of the Royal Commission.