HL Deb 21 March 1878 vol 238 cc1706-7

asked the noble Earl the Under Secretary for the Colonies, Whether any reply had been received at the Colonial Office to the telegram sent out to the Governor of Victoria on the 11th instant, with reference to the difficulties that had arisen in the affairs of that Colony?


said, that evidently there was some defect in the telegraphic communication between this country and Victoria. The telegram despatched from London on the 11th instant, took four days to reach Melbourne, and the reply to it had taken five days to reach this country. The reply was in these terms— Melbourne Government to Secretary of State, Colonial Office, London.—loth of March. —Telegram of 11th received. Negotiations for compromise still pending. Ministers propose fair terms to the Council. Nothing certain can be known for another week. The Assembly, the Law Officers, and the Audit Commissioners have declared that the 45th Section of the Constitution Act is a special appropriation, and the money thus legally available will carry on the Government until the end of June. Full reports by mail.—Governor, Victoria. He hoped that in another day or two he should be able to lay on the Table a further instalment of the Papers relating to recent events in the Colony.

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