HL Deb 15 July 1878 vol 241 cc1426-7

My Lords, I beg to put a Question to the noble Duke the Lord President, of which I have given him private Notice. I have seen it stated that the British Plenipotentiaries will arrive in London to-morrow afternoon; and I wish to ask the noble Duke, Whether he has any further information to give your Lordships as to when the Papers relating to the Congress, which we have been promised, will be laid on the Table, and as to whether Her Majesty's Government propose to make any statement with regard to what passed at the Congress?


My Lords, in answer to the Question of my noble Friend, I have to state that I now place on the Table a map showing the territory restored to Turkey by the Treaty of Peace, and a despatch from the Marquess of Salisbury, inclosing a copy of the Treaty signed on the 13th of July, 1878. In answer to the other Question of my noble Friend, I have to say that we expect that the two Plenipotentiaries will reach London to-morrow afternoon, and that, in the event of their doing so, it is the intention of the Prime Minister to make a statement to your Lordships' House on Thursday.