HL Deb 23 July 1877 vol 235 c1652

In reply to Earl FORTESCUE,


said, there had been some further outbreak of cattle plague in the Metropolis; and there had been some fresh importations of diseased cattle. But the regulations in existence would be amply sufficient to deal with that or any other outbreak which might arise. In the Metropolitan area no animal was allowed to leave a cowshed within an affected area except for the purpose of being slaughtered, and no animal was allowed to be removed from the north to the south side of the Thames. A Committee of the other House was now sitting and would shortly report on the subject. It was not for him to anticipate what their Report would be, nor would it be possible for the Government to take any further steps till the Committee had reported.

House adjourned at half past Five o'clock, till To-morrow, Eleven o'clock.