HL Deb 02 July 1877 vol 235 c590

moved for a Return showing the amount of money granted by the Irish Parliament for the formation of the Royal Canal between the River Liffey at Dublin and the River Shannon, and for the amount of money granted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Inland Navigation Commissioners to complete the Royal Canal from the River Liffey at Dublin and the River Shannon. The noble Earl said, the canal was first commenced by a Company who borrowed money of the Irish Government, and mortgaged the canal. They now came forward, not as a canal Company, but as a railway Company, asking Parliament for an extension of powers, and inserted canal clauses in the Bill. In making this Motion, he desired to ask, Whether it was intended to reserve the power which the Irish Government still possessed of not allowing the property in the Royal Canal to be mortgaged without the sanction of the Lord Lieutenant?


said, he saw no objection to the production of the Return moved for; but requested the noble Earl to repeat his Question on another occasion, as his Notice had not sufficiently indicated its purport for him to be able to answer it.

Motion agreed to; Return ordered.