§ Sat First in Parliament—The Earl of Huntingdon, after the death of his Father.
§ Public Bills—First Reading—Merchant Shipping* (99); Consolidated Fund (£11,000,000)*;Customs and Inland Revenue*.
§ Second Reading—Treasury Solicitor* (76).
§ Select Committee—Union of Benefices* (64), nominated.
§ Committee—Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (Chapel-en-le-Frith, &c.)* (59).
§ Committee—Report—Trade Union Act (1871) Amendment* (73–98).
§ Third Reading—Inns of Court* (47); General School of Law* (48); Local Government Provisional Orders, Briton Ferry, &c. (No. 4)* (87); Local Government Provisional Order, Skelmersdale (No. 5)* (88), and passed.