HL Deb 26 May 1876 vol 229 c1254

rose to ask a Question of the Lord President. He believed the progress of Business in that House was satisfactory. Indeed, it was admitted the other day that it compared favourably with the work done in "another place." But still he did not think they were over-burdened with Business, and he rose to ask the noble Duke the Lord President of the Council, What proposition he intended to make with regard to the Whitsuntide Holidays?


said, he expected that the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill would come up from the other House on Monday and would be read a first time that evening. Should that be so, he should move the suspension of the Standing Orders on Tuesday with the view of having the Bill read a second time, and passed through its remaining stages at the sitting of Tuesday evening. If this should be accomplished he would propose that their Lordships should adjourn from Thursday next until Tuesday, June 13.

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